Some days parenting is fun, it’s a barrel of laughs, giggles, tickles, play pretend, princesses, cars, and glitter, but then there is days when it feels a little like all is going wrong, when my girls play up more than ‘normal’ and I feel as though I’m in sinking sand, drowning in the mess and muck that a 2 and 4 year old can create. It is in those days that I look to God for strength, patience, and a refuge from the chaos. It’s funny how easily we forget because every time I do, God sends along a wild card, a cute note from Emily at nursery covered in paint to say I love you, or a snuggle and kiss from Ava who ‘doesn’t do snuggles and kisses’, or so she tells us. It’s on those days that the smallest act of kindest or generosity towards each other hits me across the face the quickest. 

You see the truth is even on the kids worst days I LOVE being their mammy. I adore their squishy faces and the grownup comments, I love their teenage strops, and their childish tantrums, their belly laughs and cheesy smiles. Because they are mine. I know they are given by God, I know they are only mine for a time, but still they are mine. They are my treasures, my blessings, my heartbeat, my love. So the following is for them… 
Emily, and Ava Rose, I am such a proud mam already, I love how you cuddle each other and have done from day 1, I am blessed each time I see you share your toys, and give each other a helping hand, when the other shouts ‘a little help here..’ I could hold your hand as a baby forever but I know you are growing big and strong, and I know one day my babies will be a distant memory and I will hold your hand as a teenager. I’ve been telling your nanny for a while now the madness of parenting never ends it just changes so I know that as the spring of infancy and preschool ends, that the seasons of your teenage years will just begin. We will argue, we will disagree, but we, your dad and I will always love you, we will be proud of you, and we will always be rooting for you! Never forget that! 
Then as the storms and rainbows of your teenage years end, and as dad and I are growing old and grey (dad quicker than mam) you will be young women. To see you grow and flourish in the things of God and the joys and pains that life throws at us is my biggest aspiration. Oh how I long for girls who know the love of Jesus. Don’t doubt Him, never run from Him, but trust, abide and rest in knowing that these old fools can testify that He is your shield, your sword, your resting place, your ear to whisper in, your shoulder to cry on, and your hand to hold even if it’s just a ‘pinky’ for safe keeping. 
The only ‘wise’ words I would have to give you stem from experience. The dos and donts of life are always harder learned when we refuse to be told and have to learn the hard way but someday I hope that you grow and you learn life’s hardest lessons early. That you grow with teachable hearts. 
That you learn your beautiful inside and out. No other opinion matters except that of God. For you are fearfully and wonderfully created and made for such a time as this. Everything about you is perfect, it is specifically designed for you. 
What ever your gifts and callings are, they are all for today, they are all to be used and they are all for Gods glory. Never hide your talents under a facade because of fear, be bold, bold as a lion and stand firm knowing the God who gave you them gave you the for a reason. Shine girls, shine! 
I pray that you realise early in life that you are more than looks. You are capable of anything you put your mind to because dad and I are behind you even though we are out of touch, and we are not ‘cool’ any more, you girls know we have been there and we know that looks are the last thing you need, you need a good education, so study hard, listen in school, and behave! You need a good job, you need a good attitude, and last but not least nor final you NEED God. Never, ever leave him out no after how small the situation is. Be independent and allow God to be your leaning post, He is strong enough, His hands are always big enough, and His arms are filled with love, love you cannot imagine, nor contain. 
I hope and I pray that you pick your friends wisely. True friends stay no matter what happens. True friends love you no matter how silly you are, or serious, (there is always time for fun). True friends are few but make lots of acquaintances. Be sociable but do not give your life or love to those you cannot trust. 
Love, live and laugh. 
Be joyful in all things because God is in control. Trust your gut, as your dad and I always joke, your ‘Gibbs gut’, but thats a story for another day. Your gut is a good method to discern people… If it feels wrong, it is wrong. 
Chose the men you date with dignity. Just because they do not look like a model does not make them less of a person. Sometimes the quiet quirky guy can be the most interesting as he will make you happy when your sad and make you feel safe when all seems lost. He is the one who will stay when everything seems to be flying away. Chose the guy you want to be with not one that your friends think it’s suited to you, never feel trapped in a relationship. If you need an escape pick the fire exit, never stay because you feel you have to. You deserve all the love a man can give you. However on the off chance God calls you to remote village in the middle of now where…. Go! Your dad and I will visit and God will always be enough for you. 
When you chose to Love, do so with all your heart and hold nothing back, never be double minded. 
Travel, sightsee, have fun before you have a family. Life is harder when babies are born and you don’t get to do as much. Babies are a blessing timed. They are amazing gifts from God but wait! Wait until you are married happily, wait until you are secure in who you are, just wait. They are amazing, your dad and I wouldn’t change you pair for the world, but there is plenty of time for all of that. 
Be everything you want to be and let no one not even dad and I tell you otherwise. 
You’s are Miss Emily Margaret Treacy and Miss Ava Rose Treacy, made for now, and loved always!

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